high end

Do HIGH END sex workers have empowering professions?

Investigating the increasingly hot topic of whether or not high-end sex work is an empowering choice for women has left me feeling rather unsettled. Not only are various individuals attempting to legitimize this profession of servility but they are even trying to argue that it is an enriching experience.

Photo credit: Role Reboot

Photo credit: Role Reboot


Perhaps high-end escort owner Kristen DiAngelo’s documentary American Courtesans started the trend. Then there was Gwenyth Montenegro’s article in the DailyMail, which was followed by BMagazine’s pro-escort story told by a high-end escort named Jessica. There was also the former Manhattan Madam, Kristen Davis (read her articles herehere,and here).

Now, I realize that only a small percentage of women actually believe that sex work is empowering. Therefore, I am only speaking to a small percentage of our society and those who might be swayed by it because it is this minority that is shouting loudest.

So here is my voice, and please hear me loud and clear. First, by saying that sex work is healthy and empowering diminishes the majority of sex workers’ voices for whom it is not empowering in any way. So what if a couple women in New York and L.A. feel empowered, what about the millions around the world who don’t?

Read the full article right HERE published on Role Reboot